How to Identify Leg Length Discrepancy: Signs and Symptoms to Look For


Leg length discrepancy (LLD) is a condition where one leg is longer than the other, leading to various complications that can impact daily activities and overall quality of life. Recognizing the signs of LLD early is crucial for effective intervention and treatment. In this blog, we will explore how to identify a potential leg length…

Howard’s Story: How Shoe Lifts from American Heelers Could Have Changed a Lifetime of Pain


When it comes to addressing leg length discrepancies (LLD), there are countless stories of people living with discomfort, imbalance, and even emotional turmoil as they navigate a world built for perfectly symmetrical bodies. Howard, a recent customer of American Heelers, shared his incredible and deeply personal story—a tale spanning over six decades of physical and…

Are Shoe Lifts the Best Solution for Leg Length Discrepancy After Knee Surgery?


The Impact of Leg Length Discrepancy After Revision Knee Surgery: Why Shoe Lift Modifications are Often the Best Solution Leg length discrepancy (LLD) is a common condition following certain surgical procedures, particularly hip and knee replacements. A 2012 study published in The Knee by Mufty, Vandenneucker, and Bellemans, titled The Influence of Leg Length Difference…

23 Myths Uncovered About Shoe Lifts for Kids


Shoe lifts are frequently advocated as a suitable treatment for treating leg length differences in children. However, there are some misunderstandings and misconceptions about the use of shoe lifts for children. We will dispel 23 prevalent myths in this article to help you make informed decisions about your child’s footwear needs. Myth 1: Children’s shoe…

Understanding Leg Length Discrepancy (LLD): Assessments and Imaging Diagnostics


Leg length discrepancy (LLD) is a condition that affects a large portion of the population. In most cases, the difference between leg lengths is minor and doesn’t cause noticeable symptoms. However, when the discrepancy becomes significant, it can lead to joint pain, osteoarthritis, and postural problems. Clinicians and physical therapists frequently encounter LLD in patients,…

Can Correcting LLD Reduce Low Back Pain? Insights from a Randomized Controlled Trial


Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common and costly health problems worldwide, affecting millions of people and leading to significant loss of productivity. Its causes are complex and multifaceted, making identifying specific risk factors and treatment approaches challenging. Among the potential contributors to LBP is a leg-length discrepancy (LLD). In this condition,…

Why American Heelers Excels in Providing Orthopedic Shoe Lift Services for Leg Length Discrepancy?


In a world where specialized services can be challenging to find, American Heelers has carved out a successful niche by offering orthopedic shoe lift modifications for leg length discrepancy. Their focus on this specific service has made them an industry leader, attracting customers not just locally but from across the United States and even The…

The Secret World of Shoe Lift Collectors: Unveiling a Niche Hobby


In the realm of collectibles, there are well-known and widely collected items like stamps, coins, and vintage toys. But delve a little deeper into the world of niche hobbies, and you’ll discover a passionate community of enthusiasts who collect something rather unique and often unnoticed – shoe lift inserts. Welcome to the secret world of…

Revolutionizing Comfort: American Heelers’ Honeycombing and Base Widening Shoe Lift Design


At American Heelers, we’ve spent many years perfecting the art of creating custom shoe modifications with lifts for individuals with leg length discrepancies. Through our extensive experience, we’ve developed specialized techniques that not only address the functional needs of our customers but also significantly enhance their comfort and mobility. Our commitment to providing the best…