Howard’s Story: How Shoe Lifts from American Heelers Could Have Changed a Lifetime of Pain

When it comes to addressing leg length discrepancies (LLD), there are countless stories of people living with discomfort, imbalance, and even emotional turmoil as they navigate a world built for perfectly symmetrical bodies. Howard, a recent customer of American Heelers, shared his incredible and deeply personal story—a tale spanning over six decades of physical and emotional struggle. His experience sheds light on the lifelong effects of LLD and the importance of finding a reliable solution that goes beyond the surface.

A Lifelong Journey with Leg Length Discrepancy

Imagine living the first 65 years of your life with a noticeable one-inch difference in leg length, with no consistent or effective way to address it. That was Howard’s reality. Even though he tried using heel lifts in his shoes over the years, the sensation of one foot perpetually going “downhill” made it uncomfortable and impractical. It was only when he found American Heelers that he considered if he’d been missing a key piece of the puzzle all along.

Howard’s leg length difference started in his childhood due to a traumatic incident—being hit head-on by a car traveling at 35 mph. The accident left both his lower leg bones broken right below the kneecap, a serious injury that ultimately resulted in one leg growing an inch longer than the other. His long journey of healing involved a heavy plaster cast with a rubber heel and open toes, which further shaped his body’s biomechanics and left him with a permanent reminder of that fateful day.

“All of 65 years I lived with an inch difference and have adjusted over time,” Howard shared. But this adjustment came at a significant cost—physically, emotionally, and socially. His story doesn’t just highlight the difficulties of living with LLD; it also reveals the overlooked complexities of someone struggling with multiple physical disabilities.

Beyond Physical Pain: The Compounding Effect of Vision Issues and ADHD

Howard’s physical challenges weren’t confined to his leg length discrepancy. He also struggled with a rare visual condition: being nearsighted in one eye and farsighted in the other by equal amounts. As a child, it made everyday activities—such as picking up a glass of water at the table—a struggle. For nine years, this visual disparity made daily life confusing and sometimes even dangerous. It wasn’t until he was involved in the accident that he finally got his first pair of glasses, allowing him to experience visual clarity and balance for the first time.

But by then, the damage had been done. The untreated LLD had already influenced the way he walked, stood, and interacted with the world around him. Moreover, Howard was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 45 and later found out he was also on the autism spectrum. These diagnoses came much later in life, leaving him with a sense of what could have been if his conditions had been identified earlier. A lack of support, understanding, and proper treatment during his formative years left Howard to endure his physical and emotional battles alone.

The Impact of Parental Neglect and Emotional Pain

Howard’s story also exposes another layer of pain: parental neglect. Despite his visible struggles, his parents never recognized or sought solutions for his condition. “Maybe I could help my son have a better life. Nope, never crossed their minds,” Howard reflected. The emotional wounds of his upbringing were profound, and it wasn’t until his mother’s passing that he finally felt a sense of release from the pressure and trauma that had haunted him for over 60 years.

The lack of parental support was so severe that Howard even tried to end his life following the car accident. His mother’s refusal to leave an abusive relationship with his father added to his sense of powerlessness and desperation. Thankfully, he survived, but not without carrying these scars into adulthood.

The Role of American Heelers’ Shoe Lifts: A Solution—But Late in Life

When Howard finally discovered American Heelers, it was like finding a piece of the puzzle he had been missing his whole life. Custom shoe lifts offered him the opportunity to correct his imbalance and walk more comfortably. For the first time, he could feel the potential benefits of having even legs. “The lift worked great, but it was so many years too late to change my life to make it a part of my lifestyle,” he noted.

While shoe lifts couldn’t undo the years of physical and emotional strain Howard had endured, they did provide him with some relief. The feeling of being more balanced and less encumbered was invaluable, even if it came later in life. However, his body had already adapted to years of misalignment, making it difficult to completely adjust to this new support without some discomfort.

Why Early Intervention Matters

Howard’s experience speaks to a crucial point: early intervention is essential. Identifying and addressing leg length discrepancies early can prevent decades of compensatory movement, spinal issues, and even emotional distress. A well-balanced body contributes to overall well-being, affecting not just physical health, but also confidence, mental health, and social interactions.

For parents of children with LLD, being proactive and seeking the right modifications early can drastically alter the trajectory of their child’s life. The right intervention—whether it’s physical therapy, custom orthotics, or shoe lifts like those provided by American Heelers—can mean the difference between a lifetime of pain and a lifetime of confidence.

The American Heelers Difference

American Heelers’ approach to shoe lift modifications offers a level of precision and comfort that standard over-the-counter lifts simply can’t match. Their team works closely with each customer to create a custom solution based on their specific leg length discrepancy. This personalized attention helps ensure that the final product provides the necessary support and balance without the discomfort that Howard experienced with heel lifts.

Howard’s story is a powerful reminder that while technology and understanding of conditions like LLD have come a long way, there’s still a need for compassion, education, and effective solutions like those offered by American Heelers. His heartfelt message and gratitude for American Heelers highlight just how impactful the right solution can be—even if it comes a bit too late to change the course of one’s life completely.


Howard’s journey, from a traumatic childhood accident to decades of struggle and finally finding a solution in American Heelers, is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. His story underscores the importance of seeking and providing support for leg length discrepancies as early as possible. For those living with LLD, American Heelers’ custom shoe lifts offer a lifeline—a way to achieve better alignment, comfort, and a more balanced life. If you or a loved one are experiencing similar challenges, consider reaching out to American Heelers for a consultation. Their expertise and dedication could make all the difference, providing relief and balance where it’s needed most.